Collection and Use of Your Information

We will never ever sell, distribute or lease your email address or the data you collect to third parties.

Our site needs to collect some information about you (your email address and login credentials), which will remain private and confidential.


This website uses cookies. Here are the cookies we use:

Session - session

This cookie is to uniquely identify a user, allow them to login to the site and receive on-site messages. It is essential for site operation.

Logged in - logged_in

This cookie tells us whether you have previously logged in so we can speed things up by redirecting you to the sign-up or log-in page accordingly.

Support - support

This cookie records information that allows us to provide support specific to your browser, operating system and device.

Google Analytics - _ga, _gat_gtag_UA_118130484_1, _gid

These cookies are used to collect information about how visitors use the site, which we use to help improve it. The cookies collect information in an anonymous form, including the number of visitors to the site, where visitors have come to the site from and the pages they visited. Click here for an overview of privacy at Google.

Data Security

We take security seriously. All site communication occurs over an SSL encrypted channel, so your login credentials and data you collect can’t be intercepted by third parties.

Up-to-date security patches

We regularly update our server software to minimise the risk of vulnerabilities.

Password hashing

We don’t store passwords in plaintext, but use strong salted hashes to minimise the consequences of a data breach.

Communications from the site

We may from time-to-time send emails to users of our site (but not to the email addresses they may have collected). These may include system maintenance updates, newsletters or promotions we are running. We will never send advertisements on behalf of third parties. You may unsubscribe from newsletter or promotional emails by clicking the ‘Unsubscribe’ link in the footer of an email.

Updates to this Policy

We continue to add new features to Splitteroo, so this Privacy Policy may change at any time. Please check back regularly to make sure you are aware of the latest changes.